Okay, now it’s real…

12040610431.jpgSermon went well. It was a great day!

Published by revkasedoggy

My name is K.C. Wahe and I'm a follower of Jesus, a husband, father, and a Presbyterian pastor. I'm a Dodger fan, I love Iced coffee drinks, and my wife and kids are blessings from upon high.

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  1. Dude,

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    Glad to read you’re doing well, bro…


  2. KC:

    Flew into Burbank tonight, and could see Palmdale in the distance. Prayers for you and the fam, good man!


  3. What an awesome site! God IS sooo good!! And His timing is the greatest. We’ll miis you guys, but I can still razz you about the dodgers and lakers and who will have bragging rights for each season!
    PeAcE oUt DuDe,
    ScOtTy šŸ™‚

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