Self care for the pastor…


This is what I call self care. Every pastor needs to learn self care. It only recharges your battery and helps you regroup with the purpose of being available and ready for God to use you.

Published by revkasedoggy

My name is K.C. Wahe and I'm a follower of Jesus, a husband, father, and a Presbyterian pastor. I'm a Dodger fan, I love Iced coffee drinks, and my wife and kids are blessings from upon high.

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  1. Dude….that is a pathetically low score! I would smoke your intergalactic butt; you would be cosmic dust!

    And what is the boy medicated with, or did he suffer from those seizure things that kids get when playing too many video games? Get the smelling salts for that child!

    Either way, glad YOU had a good time, because, after all, it is all about YOU!

    Peace, out.

  2. you crack me up!!!! I double dog dare you. Let’s tell the wives that we have some kind of church pastor elder training on how to get along with each other with out killing each other conference in Anaheim…across the street from the Magic Kingdom.

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